
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Alhambra and Santa Ana

Acne Skinzone Laser & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Hannah Vu

Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease involving the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. (1) It causes whiteheads, cysts, pimples, and red spots on several areas of the body, including the face, back, shoulders, neck, upper arms, and chest. It is one of the most common skin problems, affecting both teenagers and adults. Acne can cause embarrassment and, if left untreated, it can even cause severe skin issues or lead to painful infections. Acne can range from mild to severe and can cause a person to feel self-conscious of their skin regardless of the severity of their condition. There are many different treatments available for acne, but the best treatment will depend on the condition of the patient’s skin. (1)

At Skinzone Laser & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Hannah Vu offers many effective acne treatments at two different office locations in Alhambra and Santa Ana, California. These treatments can reduce the spread of acne and remaining scars to restore the natural beauty of your skin. If you would like to explore laser technology for acne, please reach out to us so we can design a treatment plan for you. You can give us a call at our Alhambra office at (626) 329-4555 or at our Santa Ana office at (714) 361-1555. Or, you can fill out a contact form with your inquiries and a Skinzone team member will be with you shortly.

As you explore different skin treatments for acne, you may want to visit our blog where we discuss all kinds of topics related to skin health and cosmetic procedures.


Before and After Photos

About Acne

Acne is often a result of blocked hair follicles. (1) The skin contains pores that connect to oil glands, while follicles connect these glands to the pores. These glands produce an oily liquid called sebum, which carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin.

When these follicles become blocked, oil builds up underneath the skin and causes a clustered plug of skin cells, sebum, and hair. As bacteria infect the plug, the skin around it swells and develops into a pimple. Not all bacterial strains cause pimples; the frequency and severity of acne growth depend on the kind of bacteria growing inside the plug. (2)

Acne affects over 50 million people each year and is a standard aspect of puberty. (3) While it is not particularly dangerous, it can cause self-esteem issues and leave permanent scars on the skin. Males and females are equally susceptible to developing acne, and some may even experience the issue as adults. Factors that can contribute to the development of acne include:

  • Genetics
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Menstrual cycles and hormones
  • Medication
  • Living in hot and humid climates
  • Using oil-based cosmetics
  • Squeezing pimples

Acne Treatment

Acne treatment depends on the frequency and severity of the condition. Oftentimes, over-the-counter medicated soaps and creams can often treat mild acne successfully. However, some patients may require higher-strength treatments such as prescription medications or creams, while others may prefer to seek out laser treatments. (1)

For moderate to severe acne, Dr. Vu provides various treatment options based on your needs. She performs a comprehensive skin analysis and reviews your medical history to provide the most effective treatment. Treatments may include injections, oral medications, antibiotics, or topical treatments for the skin. She may also use advanced laser and light technology to treat acne and acne scars.

In addition to skin treatment, good skin hygiene is essential for clearing up existing acne and preventing future breakouts. Healthy habits include:

  • Keeping your hands clean and away from your face
  • Avoiding oil-based makeup and removing all cosmetics before sleeping
  • Wearing loose clothing to prevent acne growth on other areas of the body
  • Washing clothing and outerwear regularly to remove skin residue

Laser Treatments for Acne

Acne Skinzone Laser & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Hannah Vu

At Skinzone, we have been able to achieve great results by addressing acne with laser technology. Laser technology utilizes light energy that can penetrate into the skin’s various layers and target imperfections. It can destroy damaged skin cells, cells that cause redness, and the bacteria that cause acne proliferation. What’s more, laser treatments can stimulate a natural wound-healing response within the skin, which can trigger the production of collagen that can contribute to a healthy, hydrated look. More collagen can also help make the pores smaller, which may limit the entry of acne-causing bacteria and debris.

Laser technology is also able to address scarring that is caused by acne. Even after acne heals, it can leave deep scars that make the skin look and feel damaged and uneven. Laser technology can reduce the appearance of this scarring by targeting the scar tissue and encouraging collagen growth.

Laser treatments can come in several different forms and intensities. (2) At Skinzone, we will use the laser that will be most effective for treating your skin. Depending on the issues you are seeking to address, Dr. Vu may recommend multiple treatment sessions.


Laser treatments can help treat acne in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reduced inflammation
  • Reduced active acne
  • Reduced scarring
  • Reduced redness
  • Smoother skin
  • Reduced sebum production
  • Smaller pores


If you are struggling with acne or acne scarring that impacts your confidence, or if you simply want to rejuvenate your skin, a laser treatment may be right for you. Candidates should not have any active infections or certain conditions that may impact their treatment. We will let you know if you are a good candidate for acne laser treatment when you attend your personal consultation at Skinzone.

Personal Consultation

To begin your journey toward clearer skin, you will need to arrange and attend a personal consultation with us at Skinzone. It is important for us to be able to review your medical history, your past experiences with acne, as well as any other skin conditions. After obtaining this information, we will determine what treatment would be most effective for treating your acne. Call us at our Alhambra office at (626) 329-4555 or our Santa Ana office at (714) 361-1555 to schedule an appointment where you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns with our knowledgeable staff. You can also request an appointment via our contact form. Skinzone offers virtual consultations, which you can initiate by filling out a simple form with the necessary information.


Preparing for your acne treatment appointment at Skinzone is easy–simply arrive at your appointment on time, with a face free of makeup or lotions. If you have any facial jewelry, you should also remove it and leave it at home. If any new conditions or infections arise in your skin prior to your appointment, you should let us know. You should also prepare to commit to a routine that will help protect your skin after your treatment, as it is important to protect your skin from the sun and stay hydrated.


During your acne treatment procedure, we will make sure you are comfortable and informed throughout the process. The first step in a laser treatment is to cleanse the treatment area. (4) After this, your Skinzone professional can begin to administer the laser treatment via the designated handheld device. This device will send laser energy into the skin, which can target the pigments of acne and destroy the affected cells. Some lasers can target redness and underlying issues that cause acne, like bacteria colonies and overactive oil glands. (2)

Many laser procedures include a cooling mechanism that helps relieve discomfort in the skin, or your skin professional might send cool air over the skin to help soothe it. (2) Depending on the severity of the acne condition, we may recommend multiple treatment sessions spread out over time. Most laser treatments for acne take less than an hour to complete.


After you receive a laser treatment for acne, the skin of the treated area may be temporarily red or tender. If you received laser treatment on areas of the body other than the face, you should wear loose and comfortable clothing so as not to irritate the skin. The length of recovery depends on the depth of the treatment and the type of laser that was used. You should try to avoid exposure to the sun’s harmful rays, especially for the first 24 hours after your treatment. (4)


Laser treatments have proven to be effective in helping patients clear their acne. In one study, 25 patients who received laser treatments for their acne witnessed up to 70% clearing after six treatments. (2) Results like these provide patients with clearer, smoother skin that can allow them to feel more confident. Thanks to the laser’s targeting technology, patients can see a reduction in redness and an overall improvement in skin tone and texture. After receiving results from acne treatment, patients may be more satisfied with their natural skin. Some laser treatments can also reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Cost of Acne Treatment in Santa Ana & Costa Mesa

You will need to attend a personal consultation with a Skinzone professional for us to be able to determine the exact cost of your laser treatment. We will have to factor in the specific condition of your skin, as well as any other treatment regimens you decide to implement. At Skinzone, we offer the option of financing your treatment through reputable companies like CareCredit and Cherry.

To schedule a personal consultation where we can discuss pricing with you further, you can reach out to our Alhambra office at (626) 329-4555 or our Santa Ana office at (714) 361-1555. Alternatively, you can fill out a contact form with your inquiries and a Skinzone team member will be in communication with you shortly.


  1. Kraft J, Freiman A. Management of acne. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2011;183(7):E430-E435. doi:
  2. Jih M, Kimyai-Asadi A. Laser Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2007;21(3):167-174. doi:
  3. Oge’ LK, Broussard A, Marshall MD. Acne Vulgaris: Diagnosis and Treatment. American Family Physician. 2019;100(8):475-484.
  4. Pei S, Inamadar AC, Adya KA, Tsoukas MM. Light-based therapies in acne treatment. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2015;6(3):145-157. doi: