Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Alhambra and Santa Ana

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure to accentuate and enhance the buttock’s natural curves. A round, full butt has become a beauty standard in our culture. But, the shape and projection of your buttocks are largely determined by genetics. Many turn to exercises like squats to boost their butt’s projection. After months in the gym, most of these people are left with underwhelming results. Building muscle takes time, patience, and a perfect diet – three things that are luxuries for most people. Dr. Hannah Vu and her team at SkinZone have helped many patients achieve lifted curves in their butt through a simple Brazilian butt lift treatment. To see these remarkable results for yourself, schedule a personal consultation at either our Alhambra or Santa Ana offices. If you’d like to reach us directly, please call:
Alhambra (626) 329-4555
Santa Ana (714) 361-1555
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Before and After Photos
About Brazilian Butt Lifts
A pronounced backside has long been a desired physical trait. Three different studies found that the ideal waist-to-hip ratio was 0.7, and the ideal buttocks shape was an upside-down heart.[1] Picture a round butt that is significantly wider than the waist. To achieve this look, women have turned to rigorous diet and exercise while others have chosen gluteal implants. While gluteal implants sound remarkable in theory, the reality is far from it. A study found that gluteal implants didn’t allow for customization, leaving patients with disappointing results.[2] As for those who commit hours in the gym and follow stringent diets, they often find that their results don’t align with their desired butt. This is due in large part to their genetics. So, how can we achieve enhanced contours in our backside that still look natural?
A Brazilian butt lift combines liposuction with fat transfer. This process relocates undesired fat cells from different areas of the body to the butt. First, Dr. Vu liposuctions away fat from the tummy, waist, thighs, hips, back, or arms. Then, she cleanses and purifies the fat cells, readying them for reentry. She injects the fat subcutaneously into the backside and sculpts a lifted silhouette. Once you are fully healed, your butt’s curves will fill out clothes better and appear more pronounced in your profile.
A Brazilian butt lift is perfect for those interested in:
Embracing New Contours
Losing fat can be just as difficult as building your butt through diet and exercise. As we age, most of us have stubborn fat in various places around our bodies. This stubborn fat is what we aim to address at the beginning of a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Vu begins by liposuctioning these fat cells away, creating a slimmer contour in the treated area. This is the beauty of a Brazilian butt lift: patients can diminish unwanted curves to accentuate more desirable ones.
Naturally Lifted Results
Contrary to other procedures like gluteal implants, a Brazilian butt lift provides results that look natural. The fat used is your own organic tissue. Once the tissue acclimates to its new location, it will respond organically to changes in weight. So, if you decide to lose a few extra pounds or you gain a couple in the coming years, your newly sculpted butt will be able to keep up. Gluteal implants, however, stay the same size regardless of weight change. This often leads to undesirable results later in life.
If you are interested in seeing a bigger booty, schedule a personal consultation at one of our two offices. Those who make good candidates:
Good Health
Because a Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure, we do have certain requirements that patients must meet before we approve them. First, if you smoke or use any kind of nicotine product, we ask that you stop a couple of weeks before the surgery and the entire duration of recovery. Nicotine constricts blood vessels which can interrupt the body’s natural healing process. Next, we ask patients to be at a healthy weight. We may ask you to get down to a healthy BMI before proceeding with the treatment.
Have Realistic Expectations
Above all, Dr. Vu is committed to your overall satisfaction and safety. She will only aim for natural, safe results. So, we ask our patients have realistic expectations before their procedure.
Have Unwanted Fat
Because Dr. Vu uses your own natural fatty tissue to accentuate your backside, you will need unwanted fat to use. We often ask patients to gain a few extra pounds before their procedure to achieve desired results.
Have Time In Schedule For Recovery
After a Brazilian butt lift, you will need to avoid putting any pressure on your backside. This includes laying on your back and sitting. But, don’t worry. This will only be necessary for the first few weeks. So, before your procedure, adjust your home and schedule to accommodate for a proper recovery.
Personal Consultation

If this is your first time at SkinZone, we will begin with a basic new patient intake interview and a quick physical examination. We will note skin elasticity in your buttocks and examine areas of unwanted fat. Dr. Vu will then listen to your desired results. Many patients have more than one cosmetic concern. She will explain other procedures and services that complement a Brazilian butt lift and then configure a personalized treatment plan. At the end of your consultation, we will schedule a time and date for your procedure before giving you a list of preparatory steps.
Before your Brazilian butt lift, we ask patients to:
- Discontinue taking any blood-thinning medications like Advil and aspirin. These can cause excessive bleeding during your procedure. Speak with your doctor before stopping any prescribed medications.
- Stop smoking several weeks before your surgery and for your entire recovery.
- Designate a caregiver to drive you home and look after you for the next few days.
- Pre-fill all prescription medications. You don’t want to be standing in the pharmacy line right after your Brazilian butt lift.
A Brazilian butt lift can be performed under local anesthesia. We will discuss details with you during our one-on-one consultation. After administering the appropriate anesthesia, Dr. Vu creates a minor hole for the cannula. A cannula is a thin, aspirating tube that suctions away unwanted fatty tissue. She runs the tube subcutaneously through the fat lobules, suctioning the fat from the body. She sculpts your body, taking away the desired amount of fat to reveal a healthier slim figure. The hole self closes, leaving behind a discreet mark that’s no bigger than a freckle. Next, she purifies and cleanses the fat. She, then, injects the fatty tissue strategically around the buttocks. Dr. Vu massages the fat so it’s evenly dispersed. She makes sure the relocated tissue is projected to your desired measurements. Finally, she wraps the treated areas with a compression garment. This will help the body’s natural healing process.
After Your Procedure

As previously mentioned, it is vital to not apply any pressure on your backside for the first couple of days. Also, take only the prescribed medications for any pain or discomfort. Continue to avoid aspirin and other blood-thinning medications. During your follow-up appointment, Dr. Vu will note where you are in the healing process and if any next steps are required. At your follow-up, we will remove the compression wraps to gauge your progress.
After you have fully healed, you will notice a backside that fits tighter in clothes and accentuates your silhouette. Your lower half will be more defined, more projected, and more stunning than before. The areas that were liposuctioned are slimmer and better contoured to your body’s natural frame. Be sure to lead a healthy, active life to maintain the results of liposuction. If weight is gained after liposuction, results may become diminished.
Corresponding & Complementary Procedures
A Brazilian butt lift is often included in a mommy makeover. After pregnancy and giving birth, most mothers are interested in reclaiming their pre-baby bodies. A mommy makeover is a collection of surgical procedures that address breasts, tummy, buttocks, and loose abdominal skin. Performing all of these procedures at once allows for a quicker, less extensive recovery. Along with a Brazilian butt lift, we include:
- Liposuction
- Breast augmentation
- Breast lift
- Tummy tuck
- Vaginoplasty
How Much Does A Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in Southern California
A Brazilian butt lift can vary in cost. We will need to account for your unique surgical needs and the number of liposuctioned areas. We will discuss and determine the cost of your care during your consultation. If you are interested in financing your procedure, visit our financing page to learn more about our options. To stay up-to-date on the latest news at SkinZone, check out our blog! Skinzone serves Los Angeles County areas including Pasadena, San Marino, Arcadia, San Gabriel, Hacienda Heights, City Of Industry, Glendale, Burbank, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Studio City, Montebello. Skinzone serves Orange County California including Newport Beach, Anaheim, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Lake Forest, Tustin, Seal Beach, Los Alamitos, Long Beach. If you would like to speak with our offices directly, call us at:
Alhambra (626) 329-4555
Santa Ana (714) 361-1555
How old do you have to be to get a BBL?
Candidates must be over the age of 18 to qualify. When determining eligibility, skin laxity and the amount of unwanted fat are the two most important factors.
- Cuzalina, A., & Retana, A. (8 C.E., March). Creating the Ideal Buttock (Lifting, Implanting or Fat Grafting). Intech Open.
- Rosique, Rodrigo G. M.D., Ph.D.; Rosique, Marina J. F. M.D., Ph.D.; De Moraes, Carlos Gustavo M.D. Gluteoplasty with Autologous Fat Tissue, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: May 2015 – Volume 135 – Issue 5 – p 1381-1389 doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001167